
Still in love with you al green
Still in love with you al green

still in love with you al green

Mitchell provides a texture in his production that is the perfect complement to Green’s singing while establishing its own richness but avoids calling attention to itself with those hey-hey-aren’t-I-hot touches so many big-time producers love to indulge themselves with. Im Still in Love With You is an album released in 1972 by Al Green. Classic Soul Album SeriesAl Green - Im Still in love with you.Released in 1972 Al Greens classic Soul record hits 1 on the Soul LP charts and is included. It’s never trite, never obtrusive - none of those wedges of unrelieved production (something quite different from music) you find driven into so many other albums - and always several steps ahead of being just right. As with most Al Green songs (this one written in collaboration with drummer Al Jackson and producer Willie Mitchell), the lyrics are simple, almost unremarkable and in this case touchingly inarticulate: “Spending my days/thinkin' ‘bout you girl./Being here with you/being near with you/Can’t explain myself.” Throughout, Willie Mitchell’s production work is as consistently strong as Green’s vocals. He stretches the word “heaven” and it shimmers or he dips his voice down low at the end of a line as if to insinuate it into every possible corner of the song. The line, “I’m … wrapped up in your love,” delivered twice, is sung high, almost disappearing at the end of his range, and yet enveloping - the perfect vocal equivalent of being hugged tightly in someone’s arms. “I’m Still in Love with You” opens the album with one of Green’s more extraordinary vocals.

Still in love with you al green