Fixed an issue where effects, lower thirds, and backgrounds were missing if Man圜am was started by a non-admin user.Fixed potential freezes and high CPU usage that could occur when the Video playlist stored multiple items for a long time.Virtual Backgrounds: reduced flickering, sharper edges, and better performance (model v1.9).Maximum number of presets allowed increased to 50 for Studio and 200 for Premium and Enterprise.Fixed an issue where Man圜am failed to connect to multiple cameras if they had the same name.Fixed an issue where PowerPoint and video playback controls disappeared in the Preview mode.Added a set of new Lower Thirds (available for paid accounts only).Virtual Backgrounds: improved performance and added a set of new background images.Added the Guests feature that allows you to chat, make video calls, and invite friends to your streams (currently in beta).Man圜am now uses cross-app authentication that enables automatic sign-in across all desktop Man圜am apps and web services under one OS user.
Activate multiple editions (desktop, Lite) and instances of Man圜am for Windows simultaneously with a single device activation on a single machine even if they are installed under multiple OS users.

Fixed an issue where blurred area remained on screen after it was removed from a preset.
Fixed an issue where the playback bar didn’t work when Movie was selected as a video source in a global preset.Added the ability to export the Time, Text and Effects settings when exporting a project.The Video Overlay hotkey combination was changed from Cmd+Shift+V to Cmd+Shift+O to avoid conflicts.Fixed an issue where the state of the “Auto turn on title when switching to its preset” setting was not saved.Improved live preview rendering performance (added OpenGL mode).Added a new subscription management panel that allows you to deactivate any particular device within the app.Added the ability to export the Time and Text settings when exporting a project.